Saturday, February 2, 2008


We traveled to Danshui to visit my friend, Gina, who has a studio in this charming town. (More pictures can be seen at Danshui is a fifty minute subway ride from my apartment in the Ximen area and is the end of the MRT line. Over the years, Danshui has become a weekend destination for Tapaieans. The town sits on the Danshui River and has bonafied boardwalk and wharf areas, plus gorgeous mountain scenery! In fact it is a great cross between a college town and a beach community, complete with seafood restaurants and a carnival area with games galore and the usual food..with a twist!
We had a great time walking through the endless markets.  and along the riverside. Check out the ice cream cone
in the square cone. Late on we saw an even taller one!

We ate in an outrageous restaurant that had once been a sculpture studio. Large masks hung from the ceiling and the tools were the decorations throughout. The food was totally minimalist. 

We visited a boardwalk reptile museum and I had a special moment with a very large friend. This little zoo specialized in freakish varieties. Imagine a cross between a rabbit and a gopher? We saw it!

The highlight of the day was visiting with Gina, Chunchu, a wonderful person and extremely talented and original artist. Chunchu works in handmade paper and her images are as large as five feet square. Her work has always inspired me and her new work is even more creative and unique! You can see more of her work on her website: She is standing with my daughter in Chunchu's studio in Danshui. I plan on spending lots of time with Chunchu and working with her at her studio. Chunchu is an elementary art teacher as well as the secretary for the Women's Art Association in Taiwan. She is a busy and very generous friend.

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